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It is situated in picturesque scenery, far away from the homes of people. To give those who may not be aware a better idea of this point, here is a portion of a description regarding tekkes in Albania that was published in an issue of the literary review Albania from the year 1897, which was produced in Belgium by the Albanian intellectual Faik Konitza: A person journeying in Albania makes out a tekke from afar. The doors of Bektashi tekkes are forever open to all. In these lands Bektashis quickly earned a reputation for being forward-looking, tolerant and liberal with others, aiding peaceful interaction between peoples of all faiths and ethnicities.

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A presence has even been established in North America. Bektashi babas and dervishes spread their mystical interpretation of Islam throughout Turkey, Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Kosova, Hungary, Egypt and Iraq. Since its foundation, Bektashi tekkes played an important role in Muslim religious life in Anatolia and the Balkans. And, following faithfully the way of Hajji Bektash, it always preaches peace, love and brotherhood among all Albanians and all people. For as the great Albanian-American Bektashi saint, Baba Rexheb, once stated, this tekke keeps its doors open to all. In keeping with authentic teachings of Islam, Bektashis respect all faiths and human beings.

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Being founded on Islamic principles, Bektashism offers the world a unique and distinctive reading of the Qur an, the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, the Twelve Imams and the great Sufi saints. It is a path which fortifies its wayfarers with ethical and spiritual principles, bringing them closeness to God. Founded in the 13th century by the Sufi mystic Hajji Bektash Veli, the ultimate goal of this path is the perfection of the human soul. Sa herë që e vizitoni këtë vend të shenjtëruar, Drejtoni mendimin tuajë me adhurim të vërtetë Mos kurseni Fatihanë për Baba jetë-ndruar, Që edhe Zoti kurdoherë në zëmër për jetë t ju këtë.ģ WHO ARE THE BEKTASHIS AND WHAT IS BEKTASHISM? The Bektashi Sufi Order is one of the many mystical branches of Islam. The Bektashi Cultural Center Qendra Kulturore Bektashianë Compilation & Layout by Babagân Books Ky mekam kaq i stolisur, i ndërtuarë për Babanë, Ky symbol i bektashizmit, që per jetë e shenjtëron, Tregon dashurinë e madhe që njerëzija për të kanë Si edhe nderin e shquarë që myrshidi ynë gëzon Gjithë jetën e kushtoi pa u lodhur pa kursim, Në shërbim të mëmëdheut, në shërbim të Perëndise Për popullin fort punoi me gjith zëmër pa dallim U udhëhoq gjithmonë nga ndjenjat e mirësisë Kjo tyrbe përkujton teqenë e përjetëson, Brez pas brezi nëpër mote falëtore do qëndrojë Dashamirët që e ndihmuanë lartësish po nderon Edhe pir Haxhi Bektashi gjithnjë do ti bekojë. The purpose of this publication is to provide much-needed religious educational material to the Bektashi community in the United States, Canada and other English-speaking lands.

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This magazine is an independent publication and it is not affiliated with the Commission of the First Albanian Teqe Bektashiane in America. 8 His name shall be Rexheb Ferdi, May God bless him and exalt him Udhëtar fisnik në udhën mistike Fjalë i Trëndafili Fryma Kombëtare e Kongresit të Parë Bektashian The Bektashi Way: Some Frequently Asked Questions Answered Sulltan Nevruzi: Festa që simbolizon rigjallërimin e natyrës dhe njeriut Dervish Mystics with an Albanian Heart Entering the Turbeh Analiza e veprës Qerbelaja e Naim Frashërit In the Albanian Mountains with Dedebaba This work is dedicated to the first Bektashi saint Rexheb Ferdi Baba who brought the Path to Truth to the New World. 1 Bismi Shah, Allah, Allah! Zëri Bektashizmës An Albanian-American Bektashi Periodical.

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